JANUARY 19, 1968


Born in Kitimat, British Columbia, and raised in Kitamaat Village, Eden’s mother is Heiltsuk; her father, Haisla. Robinson earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Victoria. After graduating in 1992, Robinson working odds jobs in Vancouver before receiving a Master’s degree in creative writing from the University of BC. Eden’s 1st book, Traplines (1996), won Britain’s Winifred Holtby Memorial Prize. Monkey Beach (2000), her 1st novel, won the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize and was shortlisted for the Giller Prize & Governor General’s Literary Award. Robinson published Blood Sports in 2006 and The Sasquatch at Home: Traditional Protocols & Modern Storytelling in 2011. She recently completed a 3-book series, Son of A Trickster (2017), Trickster Drift (2019), and Return of the Trickster (2022). In 2017, Robinson won the Writers’ Trust Fellowship.

Source: Jules Lewis, “Eden Robinson,” The Canadian Encyclopedia, 9/6/2007, updated 11/9/2017.  Retrieved 8/3/2022, Eden Robinson | The Canadian Encyclopedia

Photo: Kaparica, 11/7/2017. Permissive Use pursuant to Creative Commons license.

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