APRIL 21, 1877


In early 1876, the U.S. closed the Ojo Caliente Chiricahua Reservation in Arizona Territory where the Apache band had lived peaceably. They were to be moved to San Carlos—a smaller, less hospitable reservation where they would be mixed in with other bands. Geronimo and his band fled. In March 1877, learning that Geronimo might be near Ojo Caliente, Indian Agent John Clum was ordered to arrest him and his followers for murder and robbery. Clum sent half of his 103 Apache police into Ojo Caliente under cover of darkness. Clum led the other group onto the reservation on April 21. Concealing most of his force in the commissary, Clum asked Geronimo to meet in conference. Geronimo arrived with 40 men. After he refused to surrender, Clum signaled and the other policemen swarmed from their hiding places, weapons at the ready. Trapped, Geronimo was arrested with no further resistance. He and his band were returned under guard to San Carlos where they remained until escaping to Mexico in 1881.


Donald W. Moore, “How Apache Leader Geronimo Was Captured,” Historynet, 1/9/2017. Retrieved 10/29/2023, How Apache Leader Geronimo Was Captured (historynet.com)
Photo: Adolph F. Muhr (1860-1913), 1898. Public Domain in the United States: First publication prior to January 1, 1928. Public Domain elsewhere where copyright term is author’s life plus 70 years or less.

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