JUNE 26, 2013


Executive Order (Order) 13647, creating the White House (WH) Council on Native American Affairs (Council), established “a national policy to ensure that the Federal government engages in a true and lasting government-to-government relationship” with tribal nations. The Order represented an important commitment to: Effective tribal policy development coordinated with the WH Domestic Policy Council; increased engagement with tribal nations and Native peoples through the WH Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs; effective and efficient consultation under Executive Order 13175 of 2000 (Consultation and Coordination with Tribal Governments); and the ongoing success of the annual WH Tribal Nations Summit. The Council had been a top priority of tribal leaders from the very earliest days of the Obama Administration. Donald Trump’s Administration failed to reestablish the Council; however, it was restored in 2021 by President Biden.


3 CFR 13647 - Executive Order 13647 of June 26, 2013. Establishing the White House Council on Native American Affairs. Retrieved 3/29/2023, 3 CFR 13647 - Executive Order 13647 of June 26, 2013. Establishing the White House Council on Native American Affairs - Content Details - CFR-2014-title3-vol1-eo13647 (govinfo.gov)
“NCAI Statement on President Obama’s Executive Order Establishing the White House Council on Native American Affairs,” National Congress of American Indians. Retrieved 3/29/2023, NCAI Statement on President Obama’s Executive Order Establishing the White House Council on Native American Affairs | NCAI
Photo: U.S. Department of the Interior, undated. Public Domain. Source: Bureau of Indian Affairs Takes Action to Implement Reforms to Correctional Program | Indian Affairs (bia.gov)

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